
Capacity Building for Inclusive Lives

Capacity Building for Inclusive Lives

The National Alliance of Capacity Building Organisations is a national network of not-for-profit, values based, capacity building organisations. We have a shared vision and belief that all people with a disability are valued citizens and have the right to contribute to society through social and economic participation.

We acknowledge that many people with disabilities are shut out from the richness of many ordinary experiences through outdated practices that limit people’s lives. To shift this paradigm, members of the alliance provide information, education, mentoring, planning, peer support and leadership development.

Our aims as an alliance are to:

  • Build people’s knowledge, shift mindsets and strengthen values based leadership so that Australians with a disability are empowered to have full, meaningful and inclusive lives that are rich in relationships and

  • Support and safeguard not-for-profit organisations in Australia who do this work, and

  • Strengthen people’s skills and competencies to enable social and economic contributions.

Collectively, the Alliance has an impressive online national presence that contains high-quality materials on global and local best-practice of community inclusion.

Our network includes the following organisations, who have more than 80 years of combined experience in regard to shifting mindsets:


Belonging Matters


Belonging Matters in Victoria is a not for profit, values driven, education and advisory service developed in 2003 by people with a disability and families concerned about the systemic exclusion of people with a disability.

Our aim is to change attitudes positively by portraying people with a disability as valued citizens with abilities, passions and contributions to make to society. This is done through a range of capacity building methods including personalised mentoring; Circles of Support facilitation, leadership development, peer to peer support, film production, publications, workshops and six national conferences! These investments have not only shifted thinking but empowered people with a disability to pursue opportunities such as open employment, mainstream education and authentic community involvement.

Belonging Matters has also recently partnered with the University of Melbourne, drawing on the valuable contribution of NACBO, to produce 19 Stories of Social Inclusion.

Belonging Matters CEO Deb Rouget.

Deb Rouget, CEO

about Deb


Community Resource Unit Ltd


Community Resource Unit (CRU) in Queensland has a mission to engage a broad range of people in a movement for change so that people with disability will be welcomed and appreciated as they take their place in their communities. CRU is based in Brisbane, but works state-wide.

CRU’s origins lie in a 1987 initiative of families, professionals and people with disabilities who recognised that legislative change was insufficient to support authentic change. CRU invests in values based leadership development; engages on questions of values and vision; provides inspiration, analysis and assistance to shape relevant support arrangements. CRU does this through workshops, publications and a small amount of project work with individuals and agencies.

CRU was previously funded by the Queensland Government to deliver the states NDIS Participant Readiness Initiative. Our face to face and on-line strategies assisted people to be clear, informed, confident, ready and connected in the lead up to the NDIS.

Margaret Rodgers, CEO

about Marg


Family Advocacy

New South Wales

The Institute for Family Advocacy & Leadership Development in New South Wales is a state and federally funded disability, advocacy organisation. Family Advocacy was founded over 25 years ago by a group of concerned families of people with disability who had a clear vision of a fully inclusive life for their family member. Our goal is to advance and protect the rights of people with developmental disability in achieving authentically inclusive lives and enjoy the same opportunities and living conditions as the majority of Australians.

The organisation has a high presence and profile across the State and its work involves: building the capacity of families to undertake an advocacy and leadership role; a capacity building project, called Resourcing Inclusive Communities; making representations to Government regarding inclusive legislation, policy, funding, monitoring and practice, that meets the needs of people with disability living everyday typical lives; and providing advocacy related information, support and advice to families about inclusive education, community, employment, housing. This function supports families to be the strongest advocates they can be for their family member with disability.

Family Advocacy EO Cecile Sullivan Elder

Cecile Sullivan Elder, EO

about Cecile


Imagine More

Australian Capital Territory

Imagine More in Canberra is a grassroots, family-led organisation founded in 2013. We believe in a  community where everyone is included, valued, and contributing in meaningful roles. We invest in individuals, families, and the community. It's our aim to inspire and motivate others to ensure people with disability

  • hold valued social roles

  • develop meaningful relationships and

  • live typical lives in their communities. 

Our most powerful methods to show what is possible are storytelling and working with one person at a time. Leading by example, we help others to understand how people with disability can 

  • take up valued social roles

  • establish a Circle of Support

  • experience an inclusive education

  • find meaningful employment

  • live in a place they call home.

We do this through

  • having kitchen table conversations

  • facilitating peer support groups

  • mentoring others to take action to get the good things of life

  • holding topic-based workshops and conferences

  • strengthening family leadership.

Imagine More director Jan Kruger

Jan Kruger, Director

about Jan


JFA Purple Orange

South Australia

JFA Purple Orange in South Australia was founded in Adelaide in 2006 to advance people’s chances of a good life. Our work involves information, social policy, capacity-building, consultancy, evaluation and systemic advocacy. We also host consumer led initiatives. Our primary ‘moral’ stakeholders are the disability community of South Australia, and then nationally. Our ‘legal’ stakeholders are our board, typically including at least 50% with lived experience of disability.

Our approach is based on dialogue, to understand the issues that stand in the way of a good life, and to assist people’s connection to information and each other. This includes workshops, focus groups, forums, surveys, and peer networks. Much of our work translates to policy submissions and other publications.

Our approach includes Co-design and Co-production, and is anchored on our Model of Citizenhood Support.

JFA Purple Orange CEO Robbi Williams

Robbi Williams, CEO

about Robbi


Valued Lives

Western Australia

Established in 2013, Valued Lives is a peer-led community support organisation assisting people to live Valued Lives in welcoming communities. With a strong commitment to advancing social inclusion, and a determination to deliver real choice, real control and a genuine voice in the design, planning and delivery of each person’s pathway and journey, Jane Forward joined the valued staff team as CEO in November 2021.

75% of the Valued Lives board and staff have lived experience directly or have a family member with a disability. At Valued Lives peer support and the building of individual and family capacity is the foundation to our work as we believe that people who have shared experiences can offer invaluable knowledge, experience and support to others who are on a similar pathway. We host peer support networks online and in local communities led by family members. We facilitate workshops and training around contemporary person-centred approaches and build community and informal networks and promote self-directed supports and services.

We are registered to provide supports and services through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and Department of Communities (Disability Services) Western Australia and are a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for Profits Commission (ACNC)

Jane Forward, CEO